implants provide support or replacement to the roots of the teeth. Implants are
used to provide a strong base for permanent and removable teeth (made to
resemble natural teeth).

What are the advantages of Salem dental

implants are installed for various reasons. Their installation comes with
various benefits including;

Improved appearance of the teeth.
Dental implants have an impressive appearance and they resemble natural teeth.
They are created in such a way that they fuse with the gum tissue and the bone.
For this reason they become permanent.

Enhanced speech. People with
misaligned teeth have problems with speech. They pronounce words incorrectly.
Dental implants improve this condition. They improve the alignment of teeth.
This improves speech and improves the self esteem of victims.

They enhance comfort. Dental
implants are permanent. They are therefore more comfortable than the removable
dentures. They are better than dentures and more convenient than staying with
missing teeth.

Easy time when eating. Having
misaligned teeth and missing teeth can cause a lot of discomfort when eating.
Dentures slide over each other when chewing food. Implants are permanent and
strong. They make chewing easier.

 Durability. Dental implants last a long time
because they fuse with the bone in the gum. All they require to last a life
time is good oral hygiene.

What is the success rate of dental

success of dental implants varies with different people. The success of an
implant depends on where the implant is located. However, dental implants are
successful in most people. Very few, if any, complications can arise from the
installation of dental implants. They are also very durable and require good
oral hygiene just like natural teeth.

Who gets dental implants?

Anyone can
get a dental implant. Anyone old enough and healthy enough to undergo an oral
surgery or a tooth extraction can also go through the procedure of a dental
implant. A candidate is required to have a healthy gum and adequate bone to
support the implant. A patient is also required to observe good oral hygiene.
The patient should also visit the dentist regularly for follow-up. Patients
with conditions such as diabetes and heart conditions need an intensive
evaluation before the procedure begins. In short one needs to consult a dentist
so that they can determine if dental implants are an option for their

Insurance cover does not cover
dental implants

At the
moment, dental implants costs are not covered by both health insurance policies
and dental insurance policies. However some medical plan policies do cover
dental implants. But, this depends on the cause of the missing tooth. Details
of the policy are contained in the policy documents. If you find them hard to comprehend,
you can always contact the insurance company for enquiries.

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